Wednesday, September 12, 2012

interview questions

yu-gi-goh kids questions:

  1. what influenced you to play?
  2. how long have you guys been playing?
  3. how did you guys meet?
  4. do you guys ever set up/go to tournaments?
  5.  how does the game work?
  6. what is your favorite card to play against people?
  7. how often to you guys play?
  8. what are the rules to yu-gi-oh
volleyball questions:
  1. how do you guys feel y'all will do this season?
  2. what are your strengths/weaknesses?
  3. how do you feel your girls will do this year? (coach)
  4. what are you doing to improve the team?(coach and team)

Monday, September 10, 2012


story: yu-gi-oh kids and im going to interview the kids who play it at lunch and then maybe the librarians since they are familiar with the players
story:volley ball and im going to interview the girls on the team and the coaches about how they feel they will/are doing this season